Venture Capital Inclusion Lab

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  3. Venture Capital Inclusion Lab
Events from this organizer

Lorine Pendleton ’91: The Barriers Women & People of Color Face Seeking Venture Capital

Brown Hillel - Meeting Room, 2nd floor 80 Brown St., Providence, United States

Funding the Future Series As an attorney, business advisor, and angel investor, Lorine Pendleton ‘91 is committed to helping underserved entrepreneurs and venture capitalists while also addressing gender and cultural blindspots within these industries. If women and underserved entrepreneurs were given the same opportunities for venture capital as men, it would generate over $1 trillion […]

When Women Lead | A virtual conversation with author Julia Boorstin


Join us for a book talk as Prof. Banu Ozkazanc-Pan, Founder and Director of the Venture Capital Inclusion Lab, speaks virtually with author Julia Boorstin about her new book, When Women Lead. Free copies of When Women Lead will be available for those who attend the in person live stream. Julia Boorstin was thirteen when […]
