Lauren Diamond ’25
Economics & Entrepreneurship
After taking courses ENGN 90/900, Lauren discovered her passion for entrepreneurship; it has extended into real-world applications. In Summer 2023, Lauren participated in Brown’s Breakthrough Lab, where she worked with her co-founders to develop a more effective vaping cessation solution. Lauren’s team went into the summer with the intention of manufacturing ‘smart’ vapes in the BDW using an internal mechanism to control (i.e., block) airflow during certain windows of time; however, after speaking with an abundance of prospective users and familiarizing themselves with the regulatory environment, her team iteratively worked towards a very different solution. They are now developing a mobile application that leverages cognitive behavioral therapy, social support, and natural language processing to generate higher quit success rates among vape users.
Through this experience, Lauren has cultivated expertise in performing market research, navigating complex regulatory environments, and curriculum development. Lauren also works for a Lisbon-based digital health startup, which has expanded her knowledge of how to build and scale a successful business.