UI/UX, or User Interface and User Experience, designers are front-end engineers who deal with all the end-user’s interactions with the company, its services, and products. The role of these engineers are crucial in the creation of a product because they build a meaningful customer experience and add significant brand value to a company. In this panel, we will talk more about what UI/UX actually is, women in the UI/UX industry, and how one might approach building a career in UI/UX design.
RegisterCrystal Thomas, UX Senior Manager @ Google
Crystal Thomas graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 1999. She has had nearly 2 decades of experience in the UI/UX industry, spanning a breath of companies: SLD Design, IBM, and Apple. She currently is a senior manager of a global UX team in Google Cloud.
Hyo Bin Yang, UX Designer @ Amazon
Hyo Bin Yang graduated from RISD in 2017, and received her MS from the University of Washington in 2021. After professional experiences at Shutterstock, Nordstrom, and LXPER Inc, she is now a UX designer at Amazon.
Catherine Cui, UI Software Engineer @ Databricks
Catherine Cui graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2013. She has had software engineering experience at Microsoft, Google, and now Databricks.