When we first designed our building on Thayer street, our main priority was to create a space where “accidental collisions” would occur regularly, a place where entrepreneurs of all kinds would learn and grow by being in close proximity to other entrepreneurs. While that same spirit still holds true today at the Nelson Center, the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated certain precautions to keep us all safe and healthy. As such, here are a few things that we’d like to make you aware of — and encourage you to do — to help keep our home on Thayer street as safe as possible.
Keep Tabs on the University’s Protocols
Brown has made an enormous effort to establish protocols and guidelines to keep us all safe. Given the fluid nature of the pandemic, however, those protocols can and do shift over time. Stay abreast of the latest information by checking a couple of different resources which will help you and others stay safe. A few good ones are: (1) The Healthy Brown website which provides a variety of information and is a great starting point, (2) The Campus Activity portion of the Healthy Brown site, which covers the latest protocols and guidelines for individuals, (3) the Covid-19 Campus Dashboard, which provides the latest information on testing and infection rates, and (4) the Messages To the Community log, where all recent COVID-related communications are made available. If you are aware of other resources that we should include here please let us know.
Wear a Mask
Following CDC and state-issued guidelines, Effective August 3, 2021, the University has reinstituted the requirement that all individuals – regardless of vaccination status – must wear masks indoors, unless in a private, non-shared space (e.g., office or dorm room). Also plese note that until further notice we will not be serving food at the Nelson Center to help encourage people to stay masked. Please do your part and mask up.
Practice Social Distancing
The primary way that COVID-19 spreads, especially among unvaccinated individuals, is through close contact. When social distancing is required, six (6) feet of minimum distance should be maintained between individuals. Per University guidelines, the following social distancing standards should be followed by all individuals on the Brown campus:
Unvaccinated individuals indoors: Wear a mask and maintain a 6-foot distance from others at all times.
Unvaccinated individuals outdoors: Maintain a 6-foot distance from others at all times; wear a mask if that is not possible.
Vaccinated individuals indoors: Wear a mask; social distancing is not required.
Vaccinated individuals outdoors: Mask and social distancing are not required.
Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) is one of the simplest and most effective means of preventing the spread of respiratory illness, including COVID-19. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you don’t have immediate access to water and soap. In the NCE building there are bathrooms on all floors, and the second floor also has a sink in the main kitchen area.
Not Feeling Well? Take a Day.
Protect yourself and others by staying home if you’re experiencing any symptoms of illness, however mild. Also be sure to log your symptoms, get tested for COVID-19 when prompted, and track who you see in person to help prevent the spread of illness and protect our community.
Something Amiss? Let Us Know.
Keeping the campus safe — including our building — is a team effort. If you spot anything that amiss, or anyone who is not following Brown’s guidelines, please let a member of the NCE staff know about it.