Vini Amit Rupchandani ’24

Psychology and Physics 

Vini Rupchandani is a senior (transfer student) studying Physics and Psychology with a passion for Entrepreneurship and building things! She is originally from India but grew up in Dubai before moving to the USA for college. 

After taking ENGN1010 her first semester here, she began working on Irada, a venture that revolutionizes the way people approach life by connecting them to their purpose and grounding them in community using a fun and scientific card game and app duo. She participated in the B-Lab accelerator program over the summer to develop this idea further. Her team is currently working on pilot testing their first prototype in different spaces like the Career Center for Exploration, the Wheeler School, etc. 

In her free time, Vini loves writing poetry, singing, solving a Putnam question and taking walks! Her favorite way to get to know people is through a game called We’re Not Really Strangers that inspired her work with Irada. 

Beyond her Entrepreneurial ventures, Vini is also involved with the Global Brown Center as an International peer mentor; as a research assistant in the astrophysics research group on campus!