Have you met Samanee Mahbub ’19? She’s one of nine Nelson Center Peer Entrepreneurs In Residence. PEIRs are young, experienced mentors who are available to support their fellow founders. (If you’d like to chat with them about your venture, kick around a nascent idea, or talk startup life in general—drop them a line. You can email them or sign up for their office hours here.) When she’s not studying history, you can usually find Samanee working on her own company, a fem-care start-up, or helping other students explore careers in start-ups or entrepreneurship. During her time at Brown, she has had the unique opportunity to work at eight different companies — having roles across product management, sales, and marketing — as well as starting a social venture that employs single moms in Providence to knit hats, a subletting marketplace, and a freelance photography business. She can speak to many experiences, including what it’s like working on product marketing at Slack, one of the fastest growing tech companies or founding a company with six co-founders.

If you’re considering working at a startup but don’t know where to start, attend her talk on Oct 31). If you want to learn how to turn your idea into a sustainable business, sign-up for Samanee’s office hours. Thursday’s 3:00 – 5:00 PM.

Samanee is happy to help with bottom-up research, marketing, and sales strategy, pitching (she pitched at the Brown Venture Prize!), applying for Nelson Center explore and expand grants, or to talk about what it’s like to work in tech as a non-technical person and POC woman.